Monday, August 25, 2008


Anyone else out there ever have a week like this?


crelf said...

Nope, never had a week like that :p

PS: Nice new cube mate - and with a window too! You're moving on up :D

Jordy said...

I make stupid mistakes like that, too... For instance, installing a 32 bit program on a 64 bit operating system. You know, something completely incompatible.

Yair said...

So, are your faulty casts the reason LV 8.5.1 was released so late? ;)

P.S. Of course I don't make any mistakes, ever.

Edwin Wise said...

Hah! Daren has the theory that all software is crap; his, yours, everyone's. So it's just best to get over the shame and move on with life...

JAV said...

Only managers never make mistakes...just ask them.

Around raise and review time Engineers ONLY make mistakes...again, ask the managers.

Or maybe that's just the place I work.

Ashley said...

Dude!!! Your backround is bubbles! haha I love you Bro. Sierer!!