Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yes, I really work here!


PotentialDreams said...

I dunno that badge looks a little sketchy.. I say actor..

crelf said...

Yeah, I'm gonna go with actor. ...but not a good actor, just an actor.

Anonymous said...

actor with enough imagination to make us come back here every week :-o

An Engineering Mind said...

crelf, you and I have exchanged emails before! I guess this is what I get for even entertaining the question! So does this mean that you are all Nick Cage fans too?

jmulls said...

oh ... the memories ... the light green cube walls....

Yair said...

Oh, Puh-lease. You couldn't act your way out of a paper bag and I'm pretty sure you're not really an engineer. They probably gave you some silly title like community manager or something just to get you to stop annoying everyone, right?

Now, if you want someone who can act, have a look at Sean. Now, THAT's acting.
