Monday, March 30, 2009

We're Back Baby!!!

Some of my co-workers are at the Embedded Systems Conference this week in San Jose and they're presenting a session on how smart kids are these days. I mused on the subject and realized that educating children to eventually take my job is not the best idea.

Seriously kids, go watch TV.

ps. I should be getting the new site soon, promise.


Jordy said...

It's too bad the IQ test was created a hundred years ago, and doesn't really represent the potential of a person. Geezeeee.

Michael Aivaliotis said...

Did you fire your sound engineer due to cutbacks? The sound in this video sucks!

fish4em said...

I know quite a few people with very high IQ scores, and let me tell you, I would not want to be stuck on a desert island with them. Sure they are smart, but where is their common sense. Many of these "Geniuses" needed my help to install simple phone lines, hook up A/V equipment, and computers. And their social I need to say anymore?

Christian said...

Welcome back. Keep the dream alive. Fatherhood rocks.

jmulls said...

big fan of mega man too.

crelf said...

@Jordy @fish4em Don't confuse intelligence with smartness - they are two totally different things. Intelligence = ability to reason, smart = amount of knowledge they have. The trick is to try to make sure your intelligence doesn't get in the way of your smartness - and vice versa :)

PS: Great to have you back Todd - it's about bloody time!

fish4em said...

crelf, well said. This was what what I was trying to say but it was too early in the morning for my brain to actually say that. Its all about having a balance of both.

Anonymous said...

...if only FIRST actually let us touch the FPGAs. Then I'd never put it down.