Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Social Networking

Look, I understand how cool non-engineers feel when they use the Internet to connect with people. I mean, after all, us engineers invented the thing years ago (nice try, Gore). But in all seriousness, please try to leave the Internet smarter than you found it.


fish4em said...

Three cheers...I'm tired of getting phone calls from my inlaws saying that they broke the internet and that I need to fix it for them. They should go back to using the Pony Express.

crelf said...

Cold fusion for the Internet - sounds like we're winning out on that trade...

JAV said...

Why would you expect anything less than "Poking"? Social networking is the opiate for the masses and poking is about as an intelligent as most of them get. At least it's better than "boinking" each other.

jmulls said...

well done. I like poking and I am still chicken to "friend" ex girlfriends.

G said...

Hey Todd! I don't know if you remember me as Leann's friend from the program at BYU, but my hu'band just sent me a link to your video about dating. I wasted a bunch of time today watching all your videos. Way more fun than actually taking care of my kids.... ;) Very funny stuff. Made me think back to the good ol' days when you and I would talk about having doubts about our ability to be engineering purists (read: social incompetents). Remember when we foolishly considered marketing?!?!? HA! Looks like you plowed ahead with the real thing and found yourself a creative outlet. For me it became a moot point because now I'm staying home with my kids (and teaching them how the TV works. Once an engineer, always an engineer.)

Unknown said...

Did anyone else pick up on the irony of Gretchen trying to reconnect with Todd after the social networking video post?

Anonymous said...

Yep, I picked up on the reconnecting. Irony everywhere. That's what we get. I personally think that if someone has to comment on the lack of intelligents of people on social networking - definately needs to work on their social skills. Seem a bit of an over inflated ego.


Anonymous said...

and then I mispell intelligence. ha ha ha ha